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Sunday, October 9, 2011

This is a Manifesto... Sort of.

When you put your mind to something, one of two things can happen. One, you can allow your ideas to root and grow upwards into actions, and those actions end up defining you. Two: you can be idle and let your ideas dust away into nothing, spending the rest of your life wondering why you didn’t act on something. Seeing as I've given up on some pretty valuable ideas in my young life, I've decided it's time to plunge into something I can call my own. From the Back Row: Sound Travels is my way of beginning something I know I'll be proud of. There will be no big words, catchy one-liners, or pretentious references to bands you or I know nothing about. I'm not trying to impress you or your hipster friends. This blog won't be about trends or guitar brands or elitist comparisons. This blog will be about music and the people producing it in its purest form. No ‘indie versus emo’ debates or mainstream music pigeonholing. It will be just about the music.

As of now I'm on my own, but with help from friends in the future, I will take this very basic thing and turn it into something everyone can enjoy for a long time. Help me grow this into something more, something we can all be proud of.

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